Navigation: DCP or SCP > Report > Predefined Reports

This report permits you to create a CSV file containing selected student information fields for those students who meet a certain condition on a particular form. In other words, if you have a field in your form that allows a student to select from a list of options (radio button, dropdown, checkbox, list box), then you can pull a report based off of an option value (i.e. all students who select yes from a yes/no question). 

1. Select the form from the dropdown list.

2. Select the Form Field ID on which the condition is based. If you do not know the ID, visit the form in the Form Manager.

3. Select the condition value upon which your report will be based.

4. Click on the "Generate Report" icon

5. If you are running the report from the DCP, select which school you would like to run the report for. Skip this step if you are running the report from the SCP.

6. Select the student fields you would like to include in the CSV report file. When done, click Save.